What is Chaos ideas and How Does It Apply to Your Organization?

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Do you know about - What is Chaos ideas and How Does It Apply to Your Organization?

Mission Junior College! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Have you ever made a seemingly innocuous statement, or executed a "normal" firm activity and, in return, experienced surprisingly angry or retaliatory reactions? That is, reactions that were far out of proportion to your traditional intentions, that were meant as benign and "inconsequential" acts? If so, you were experiencing, first hand, the results of Chaos ideas at work.

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How is What is Chaos ideas and How Does It Apply to Your Organization?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mission Junior College.

James Brown (fictitious name) is the Ceo and Managing Director of a large utilities firm in a mid-western state. He oftentimes visits offices of his managers, and, while there, he also makes the rounds and chats with their employees, answering questions, receiving feedback, and so on. On one such visit, Mr. Brown encountered a group of employees clustered in the coffee room, excitedly poring over and discussing a news item in the Wall street Journal. Seizing upon the opening to talk to a whole of employees at once, he approached the group [Mr. Brown had just returned from a long overseas trip and was concerned in conducting his firm in this plant as expeditiously as possible, before jet-lag overtook him - the larger the whole of employees, the greater his "reach" for the day, and the sooner he could perform his sense of having fulfilled the compulsion of "keeping in touch with the troops."] Therefore, Mr. Brown waded into the midst of the group to join in their conversation which, as it turned out, was about deregulation of the utilities industry.

The employees welcomed his presence and explained that they were deeply implicated about what this move might mean to the industry. Mr. Brown, tired from his long trip and distracted by his recent talk with the plant's boss [productivity was down], was disappointed to find himself in the middle of a political discussion. He, therefore, experienced the employee comments as simply an overreaction and "unprofessional whine." Consequently, before he could stem the flow of his words, he had said exactly that. "This sounds like just unprofessional whining to me!" he thundered. His outburst had the result of dissolving the group's vibrancy into stunned silence. An immediate attempt to retract his piercing comments were not met with a high degree of receptiveness, as the mood had descended down the scale to unavoidable chilliness. In increasing to the embarrassment of his humbling exit from the coffee room, he was later to learn that a junior employee overhearing the exchange, while his first day at the firm and while taking a coffee break with his group, was, in fact, the nephew of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Mr. Brown's utility company. The remainder of the scenario is predictable and can likely be imagined without going into further detail.

But the point is that, in a seemingly small, innocent, and unguarded moment, Mr. Brown sowed the seeds for his dismissal. Because the Board Chairman, upon hearing of his nephew's distress while the exchange, made it his new-found mission to intimately monitor
Mr. Brown's performance.

A more recent, and more public, example of a remark gone awry is that of Lawrence Summers, President of Harvard University, who mentioned in a throw-away line that men were good at math and science than were women [current explore supports this contention, by the way, and there are complicated reasons why this is so]. Regardless of the long-term ramifications of his statement in relation to his job [there were faculty censures of him as well wide-spread social outcries before the matter was finally resolved], one of the unintended, long-term results of his "innocuous" action, is that Mr. Summers will go down in history as the Harvard President who proclaimed that "girls aren't up to the challenge" [that's not exactly what he said, but it's what he's popularly viewed as saying]. And, indeed, Mr. Summers was forced to resign his position.

To debrief on what Mr. Brown and Mr. Summers fell prey to, let me briefly illustrate Chaos ideas and the elements of its workings in the firm environment, or other formal organizations. Clearly defined, chaos, or chaotic events, are the unexpected consequences of seemingly small actions of "inconsequential" behaviors. Chaos ideas has its basis in portion physics and holds that: Not only do we influence our reality, but, to some degree, we certainly generate it. (Gary Zukav, The Dancing Wu Li Masters). John Wheeler, who was a physicist at Princeton University, wrote that the universe, in some strange sense, is brought into being by the participation of those who are a part of that universe.

Popularly stated, the simplified ideas of Chaos is that, "If a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, it causes a tornado in Texas." One might ask why this bit of philosophy and science is important to the show the way of firm and to those who carry on organizations? The central meaning of chaos ideas is achieved when one realizes that the smallest of actions in an club can have prodigious ramifications -- as in Mr. Brown's case. One then becomes aware of the magnitude and significance of each human interaction and the impact of these interactions on the organization.

This awareness, alone, can be a remarkable tool for the knowledgeable menagerial and can mold and temper his or her pro reactions. For example, knowing that the slightest activity can set off a firestorm, as in Mr. Summer's case, and that this fact is supported by a large body of ideas [called Chaos Theory] one can feel derive in structuring daily interactions wisely and mindfully. To take the uncomplicated example of Mr. Brown: had he been more attuned to himself and to his behavioral tendencies when very tired, he would simply (and wisely) have postponed a plant visit planned for the day
after his return from Asia. In other words, had he carefully the matter carefully, he would have planned that day's activities so that he interacted, solely, with trusted confidantes and with those individuals who would not be prone to take offense at ill-advised words spoken while in a state of exhaustion.

So what is the message here for executives? What can be derived from the teachings of Chaos ideas and then applied to the broader scope of a manager's life?

The message can be summarized in a few statements, known as the "Three Recognitions of Chaos ideas in The custom of Management:"

The First, is to recognize that all that you do is under serious scrutiny;

The Second ...Recognize that you are the employees' friend only so long as they want you to be -- any untoward message or activity can convert the kind from "friend" to "enemy," irreversibly; and

The Third ...Recognize, therefore, that all actions, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, must be self-monitored on a regular, consistent, and on-going basis, for their content and continuous appropriateness, and, even more importantly, for the reactions that they might incur.

"Remember the Butterfly!" my graduate administration students used to say. This was the slogan adopted for their administration custom after they had become well-known with Chaos ideas and had found an explanation for the chaotic events that they were experiencing as managers. Chaos ideas brought new meaning to their administration efforts, especially after they had all experienced the first "bite" from chaotic events. One of the reasons that first experiences with chaotic events are so surprising is that we are often told in our administration classes that we are not to "sweat the small stuff" -- that we are, instead, to "take care of the big stuff" and the "small stuff will take care of itself." [This is a quote from one of my administration professors, but every administration pupil has heard a similar bromide.]

By not "sweating" the small stuff, one is led, inexorably, into chaotic events, because one's administration trust structure has been formed to reconsider "small matters" as inconsequential, insignificant and under one's notice. Nothing could be further from the truth!

When Chaos ideas was first explored as an explanatory ideas for administration practice, Dan Griffiths, Ann Hart and Billie Blair wrote: "A great many facets of menagerial work cannot be described, explained, or imaginable by current [management] theories...[managers] are chagrined when seemingly minor and innocuous events that are fast forgotten exterior later as major lawsuits, noisy demonstrations, acrimonious confrontations, or strikes. These events do not seem to be related to the [manager's] competence, foresight, intelligence, knowledge, or sensitivity. Because
these events are unrelated to the traditional relationships that divulge a leader's work, they recount a form of disorder that reappears with seeming regularity."

As you survey your work as a boss and leader, survey with fresh application the incidents that have preceded truly chaotic events and begin to divulge for yourself what these events consisted of -- I think you'll be amazed to find that all chaotic events have their roots in a very small, "triggering" incident. And, as you look at your custom of management, "Remember the Butterfly!"

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Mission Junior College. Where you can put to utilization in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is Mission Junior College.

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