Socio-Technical Systems and Organizational Values

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Modern organizations define themselves using statements of vision. They state their foresight in terms of human resources and technology, a socio-technical view. Modern organizations also define themselves in terms of values. New employees entering the club learn the value principles from employees with longevity in it. How organizations merge socio-technical systems as a reinforcement tool of their value principles is the focus of this paper.

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How is Socio-Technical Systems and Organizational Values

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In business, small and large, values conclude course the business sets for itself. Yukl (2006) defines values as key statements of an organization. The value statement is ideological, what the club considers important. Many values find their way into organizations including buyer service, innovation, delight of internal and external constituents, and excellence. Yulk’s view of values suggests something deeper. Organizational values and value creation are the soul of contentious edge, contentious advantage.

Hill and Jones (1998) write of management values as statements of how managers will show the way themselves and how they will do business. Managers in high performing businesses show the way themselves with stakeholders in mind. Winston (2002) suggests that high performing leaders accept the values of the club as being of higher consequence and importance.


Values of an club (customer service, innovation, satisfaction) imply an club is a system. Senge (1990) tells us that organizations are organic systems of interconnected and interrelated sub-groups. This suggests more than brick and mortar structures, it suggests organizations of people, technology, and group interaction. Technology, according to Davis (1996), is a “conceptual bridge” between science and economics. This link gives form to how organizations manage. Conversely, Wren (2005) presents the view of technological convert being disturbing to the group principles of an organization. Socio-technical systems offer leverage to dispel the disturbing nature of change.

Socio-Technical Systems

Lee (2000) explains group of the socio-technical systems as the habitual attitudes of people. He includes the relationships between habitancy with their values and behavioral styles. He also describes it as the formal power structure identified using primary organizational charts. However, he continues with the aspect of an informal power structure based on affect and knowledge. The technical principles makes up second part of the dyad. This system, according to Lee (2000), is “machinery, processes, procedures and a bodily arrangement.”

A socio-technical system, abbreviated Sts for the remainder of this paper, is habitancy and technology blended. Yet, this is a much too straightforward definition. Some elements of Sts are closely interrelated; therefore, it is not easy to excellent items within a Sts as purely technical or purely social. Aldridge (2004) explains Sts as approaching organizational work groups as group systems and macro group systems. A third level of work observed is primary work systems. The primary work principles according to Aldridge is one or more work units complicated in face-to-face work. Work units collaborate jointly and have maintain of management, relevant technology, resources, and workplace specialists. Aldridge includes the writings of Trist (1981) when defining macro group systems, “…macro group systems contain systems in communities and whole business sectors as well as societal institutions” (Trist, 1981, pg. 11). The Sts create in work groups is addition productivity of the group and addition job delight through optimization of group factors and integration with technical factors.

Elements of Sts

According to an anonymous article on Sts, the author explains some of the components integrated into a functional socio-technical system. Explained separately, each component has its own character; however, it is clear how closely related each is and overlaps the others.

• Hardware is computers and computing peripherals, the first-rate technology of Modern business. Organizations today do not exist without some kind of computing network, connecting wires, routers, and private workstations.

• Software includes operating systems (Windows, Unix, Apple, etc). As technology advances, it is increasingly difficult to separate hardware and software. Software varies based on organizational needs; yet software allows associates to originate data for storehouse on hardware devices. The software often runs from the same hardware devices used for storage. Software facilitates group interaction by allowing distantly remote habitancy an opening to message each other in approximately real-time.

• Physical surroundings (physical setting) help create the group and technical rules of engagement. Construction with an open floor plan and open desk arrangement allows open group interaction among workers. structure with offices separating workers reduce interaction. Managers with an inner sanctum guarded by a secretary’s office create a hierarchy of power.

• People, by name and by title, make up an integral part of any club culture, group environment. Within an club habitancy have roles they play, positions they work in, and ancillary roles they exercise. Within their roles, they use their surrounds with hardware and software to maintain their roles.

• Procedures define operational procedures in an organization. Procedures are statements of rules and norms formally written. Surface the formal written procedural statements are unofficial ties to data flow and reporting relationships. Procedures exertion to define culture in a Sts but the informal norms and behaviors are equally foremost to understand when developing a Sts model.

• Laws and regulations are similar to procedures but inflict stronger group sanctions when violated.

• Data and data structures in Sts involve range and storehouse of an organization’s information. Additionally, this element explains data use, retrieval, or presentation for use.

An organization’s socio-technical principles supports the business as a great place to work. More than that, Sts is a key factor to supporting leadership initiatives, vision, and values. Observed in 1949 in Great Britain, researchers industrialized socio-technical systems in South Yorkshire coalmines. They saw the technical improvements in mining coal combined with extremely motivated work groups who self-regulated and collaborated closely became more sufficient than primary work groups with the same technological improvements. an additional one observation was the self-regulated and collaborative teams were more cooperative among themselves, performing multiple tasks rather than one man one job, and committed to Ortgeist (spirit of the place) (Aldridge, 2004).

Sts Applied Organizationally

A up-to-date Internet hunt found the U.S. Federal Aviation management Logistic Center’s statement of beliefs and commitments. Not all cited here; however, these premium ones reinforce concepts of socio-technical systems.

• Results Oriented – The Logistics town permanently drives for results and success. We drive issues to closure, persist despite obstacles and opposition, and enunciate a high power level. Our employees facilely put in the needed time and exertion to perform results.

• Innovation – The future of the Logistics town is assured only as long as it welcomes and rewards innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness. We recognize “trial and error” as being elements of innovation and continuous improvement. Innovation has been the cause of success for the Logistics Center.

• Quality – We furnish the best ability in all of our products and services. Our goal is to exceed commerce benchmarks.

• People – habitancy are our most foremost resource. We respect the individual’s dignity and value their contributions. We invest in training and schooling to give our employees the tools to make the Logistics town a world-class organization.

• Teamwork and Collaboration – The Logistics town provides a inescapable and intriguing environment that supports the achievement of mission goals and fosters team spirit. We are partners with our customers, stakeholders, suppliers, and are committed to union/management partnerships.

• Integrity and Openness – The Logistics town values trust, sincerity, honesty, and candor in relationships both personally and organizationally. We encourage our employees to express ideas, opinions, and thoughts in an honest and genuine manner.

• Corporate Citizenship – The Logistics town values a inescapable corporate image and is sensitive to our corporate responsibilities to the community. We actively partake and maintain community involvement.
In post-industrial organizations, Sts helps leaders originate constructs that are enabling, empowering, in turn, enabling and empowering accelerates communication, and learning and knowledge. Within the context of knowledge Construction and knowledge, sharing, Sts, through collaboration, allows work groups’ flexibility to create primary work patterns and contentious advantage.

Leaders Role in Sts

Davis (1996) urges victorious leaders to lead as if the future is now. Accomplishing this means looking the final product rather than the processes of the product. Sts employs the right habitancy and the right technology at the right time within a structure that supports organizational values.
In an environment of rapid change, having a contentious benefit allows organizational foresight. However, foresight requires maintaining core values. Socio-technical systems maintain organizational values by maintaining organizational memory and shared experiences. Memory and shared experiences furnish views of where the club was while retention everybody tracking toward future vision. An club with strong Sts standards uses their technology to maintain history, originate execution benchmarks, and create knowledge and learning environments. Strong ability systems demonstrate teams’ abilities to eliminate obsolete practices while staying within the framework of primary values.


Stated earlier, organizations are systems of interrelated parts with differing skills and skill levels. Sts, working within an organizations value principles promotes wisely those with skills, knowledge, and ability. Additionally, Sts, working with the value system, provides workers with the tools needed to grow in the skills, knowledge, and abilities so they, too, can be promoted. Members of self-directed teams seek new or improved skills from within the Sts and through their interconnection with team members.
Self-directed teams improved productivity and commitment to the team and club in English coalmines in 1949 and self-directed teams continue being sufficient and committed. Therefore, an club employing socio-technical systems can grow into the future, yet hold fast to its historical past and the values development the group viable.


Aldridge, J. W. (2004). AboutChange Solutions. Encyclopedia of Distributed learning (Isbn 0-7619-2451-5). Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.
Anonymous, (no date). Why a Social-Technical System? Retrieved online January 12, 2006 from [].

Anonymous, (1996 – May-June). Maintaining Organizational Memories. Tqm/Cci News. Retrieved January 22, 2006 from [].

Davis, S. (1996). future Perfect. Reading, Ma: Addison-Wesley.
Hill, C. W. L. & Jones, G. R. (1998). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Boston, Ma: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Lee, Q., (2000). ability in the Balance: Six-Sigma – A Socio-Technical System. Retrieved online January 12, 2006 from [].

Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The art & convention of the learning organization. New York, Ny: Currency and Doubleday.

Trist, E. L. (1981). The evolution of socio-technical systems: A conceptual framework and an activity explore program. Ontario ability of Working Life Center, Occasional Paper no. 2.

U. S. Federal Aviation management – Logistics Center. Organizational Values. Retrieved online January 22, 2006 from [].

Winston, B. (2002). Be a Leader for God’s Sake. Virginia Beach, Va: Regent University, School of Leadership Studies.

Wren, D. A. (2005). The History of management understanding (5th Ed.) Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Wren, J. T. (1995). The Leader’s Companion: Insights on Leadership through the Ages. New York, Ny: The Free Press.

Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in Organizations (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, Nj: Pearson Education.

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