Home Remedies For That Annoying Cough

Hospice At Home - Home Remedies For That Annoying Cough.
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Hospice At Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Most coughs are very uncomplicated. A uncomplicated cough may be caused by a tickle in the throat, or by arrival in perceive with person that has a cold. There are, of course, more serious coughs such as those due to smoking or allergies. Regardless of the cause, there are things that you can do to help alleviate a cough. Listed below are some home remedies that you may find useful:

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How is Home Remedies For That Annoying Cough

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If you have a cough due to a coarse cold, cough drops are a good remedy for thinning phlegm as well as soothing the scratchy membranes in the throat. The best ones are those that consist of eucalyptus, which sell out nasal swelling and decongest your nose. For the relief of a dry cough, try soaking seven almond kernels in water overnight. The following morning take off the skin from them and grind them well to form a paste. Mix the paste with twenty grams of butter and sugar. Administer orally, once in the morning and once in the evening. Drink abundance of water and clear fluids. This will help keep the body hydrated, which will in turn help alleviate chest congestion that can cause an annoying cough. One of the best home remedies for treating a cough is eating grapes. Grapes act as an expectorant that will help relieve a uncomplicated cough or cold in just few days. Raisins are also a astounding cough remedy. Put in order a sauce by grinding 100 grams of raisins with water. Add roughly 100 grams of sugar and heat the mixture. When the combination reaches a consistency of sauce, it should then be preserved. Twenty grams should be taken before going to bed on a daily basis. Drinking a cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey can help calm a cough. Mix one teaspoon of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey. Set aside for four to five hours before using. This is an perfect home made cough syrup. Take twice daily or until the cough subsides. For a dry cough, roast and then powder the root of a turmeric plant. The powder should then be taken in doses of three grams twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. Drink hot tea with lemon and raspberry jam to sooth a cough caused by a dry, itchy throat. Drinking red raspberry, honey suckle, or licorice tea with honey is also effective. When suffering from a hard dry cough where it is difficult to cough up anything, aniseed is the ideal home remedy because it breaks up mucus. Put in order a tea using aniseed and drink it any times daily or until you have a productive cough. Eat an all fruit diet for two to three days. All drinks should consist of pure fruit juice, unsweetened lemon water, or cold or warm water. You can help to relieve a cough by using vodka or brandy as a chest rub before going to bed. Put in order a combination of 8 to 10 tablespoons of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. This can be taken each night before going to bed.

Do not suffer needlessly with that annoying cough. There are things that you can do from the relieve of your own home to help alleviate it . They are cheap and easy to make and use. If one does not work for you, try a separate one. You are bound to find a home remedy that works for you.

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Vicks Vapor Rub On Your Child's Feet To Stop The Night Time Cough

Seasons Hospice - Vicks Vapor Rub On Your Child's Feet To Stop The Night Time Cough.
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Seasons Hospice! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I received an email recently about how doctor's found great results in reducing a child's night time cough by rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on their feet, then putting the kid's socks on, and letting them go to bed. Now this email stated that not only were they getting good results, but the Vicks technique was working 100% of the time. Hmmmmmm, Time to test

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How is Vicks Vapor Rub On Your Child's Feet To Stop The Night Time Cough

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I have a young child and now that we are entering the cold season I figured I would have the opportunity to test this method out. Well, the doctors were right. One night I woke hearing my child coughing steadily in his sleep. Remembering the email that I received a few days earlier I decided to give the Vicks a shot. I went into his room and started applying the Vicks. Now, my child is a very sound sleeper and will sleep through anything, so me applying the Vicks to his feet did not even begin to stir him from his deep slumber. I tell you this because the results were amazing. After I applied the Vicks, but before the socks were even on I noticed that his coughing subsided and his breathing was deeper. I wanted to think that this was due to the fact that I had woken him up and he was simply not coughing 'at that moment'. That wasn't the case. He had literally stopped coughing all together.

I went to bed that night and was questioned by my child during breakfast on how the socks arrived on his feet in the middle of the night... he didn't even know.

The skeptic that I am was amazed, but still thought that it was just luck. Needless to say a couple nights later my child was coughing after a long Halloween night. Immediately I went for the Vicks Vapor Rub. Again, the coughing stopped upon application. I can't believe how well this works, but I wanted to share it with other parents out there knowing that a good night's sleep is like gold!

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Socio-Technical Systems and Organizational Values

Mission Junior College - Socio-Technical Systems and Organizational Values.
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Mission Junior College! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Modern organizations define themselves using statements of vision. They state their foresight in terms of human resources and technology, a socio-technical view. Modern organizations also define themselves in terms of values. New employees entering the club learn the value principles from employees with longevity in it. How organizations merge socio-technical systems as a reinforcement tool of their value principles is the focus of this paper.

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How is Socio-Technical Systems and Organizational Values

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In business, small and large, values conclude course the business sets for itself. Yukl (2006) defines values as key statements of an organization. The value statement is ideological, what the club considers important. Many values find their way into organizations including buyer service, innovation, delight of internal and external constituents, and excellence. Yulk’s view of values suggests something deeper. Organizational values and value creation are the soul of contentious edge, contentious advantage.

Hill and Jones (1998) write of management values as statements of how managers will show the way themselves and how they will do business. Managers in high performing businesses show the way themselves with stakeholders in mind. Winston (2002) suggests that high performing leaders accept the values of the club as being of higher consequence and importance.


Values of an club (customer service, innovation, satisfaction) imply an club is a system. Senge (1990) tells us that organizations are organic systems of interconnected and interrelated sub-groups. This suggests more than brick and mortar structures, it suggests organizations of people, technology, and group interaction. Technology, according to Davis (1996), is a “conceptual bridge” between science and economics. This link gives form to how organizations manage. Conversely, Wren (2005) presents the view of technological convert being disturbing to the group principles of an organization. Socio-technical systems offer leverage to dispel the disturbing nature of change.

Socio-Technical Systems

Lee (2000) explains group of the socio-technical systems as the habitual attitudes of people. He includes the relationships between habitancy with their values and behavioral styles. He also describes it as the formal power structure identified using primary organizational charts. However, he continues with the aspect of an informal power structure based on affect and knowledge. The technical principles makes up second part of the dyad. This system, according to Lee (2000), is “machinery, processes, procedures and a bodily arrangement.”

A socio-technical system, abbreviated Sts for the remainder of this paper, is habitancy and technology blended. Yet, this is a much too straightforward definition. Some elements of Sts are closely interrelated; therefore, it is not easy to excellent items within a Sts as purely technical or purely social. Aldridge (2004) explains Sts as approaching organizational work groups as group systems and macro group systems. A third level of work observed is primary work systems. The primary work principles according to Aldridge is one or more work units complicated in face-to-face work. Work units collaborate jointly and have maintain of management, relevant technology, resources, and workplace specialists. Aldridge includes the writings of Trist (1981) when defining macro group systems, “…macro group systems contain systems in communities and whole business sectors as well as societal institutions” (Trist, 1981, pg. 11). The Sts create in work groups is addition productivity of the group and addition job delight through optimization of group factors and integration with technical factors.

Elements of Sts

According to an anonymous article on Sts, the author explains some of the components integrated into a functional socio-technical system. Explained separately, each component has its own character; however, it is clear how closely related each is and overlaps the others.

• Hardware is computers and computing peripherals, the first-rate technology of Modern business. Organizations today do not exist without some kind of computing network, connecting wires, routers, and private workstations.

• Software includes operating systems (Windows, Unix, Apple, etc). As technology advances, it is increasingly difficult to separate hardware and software. Software varies based on organizational needs; yet software allows associates to originate data for storehouse on hardware devices. The software often runs from the same hardware devices used for storage. Software facilitates group interaction by allowing distantly remote habitancy an opening to message each other in approximately real-time.

• Physical surroundings (physical setting) help create the group and technical rules of engagement. Construction with an open floor plan and open desk arrangement allows open group interaction among workers. structure with offices separating workers reduce interaction. Managers with an inner sanctum guarded by a secretary’s office create a hierarchy of power.

• People, by name and by title, make up an integral part of any club culture, group environment. Within an club habitancy have roles they play, positions they work in, and ancillary roles they exercise. Within their roles, they use their surrounds with hardware and software to maintain their roles.

• Procedures define operational procedures in an organization. Procedures are statements of rules and norms formally written. Surface the formal written procedural statements are unofficial ties to data flow and reporting relationships. Procedures exertion to define culture in a Sts but the informal norms and behaviors are equally foremost to understand when developing a Sts model.

• Laws and regulations are similar to procedures but inflict stronger group sanctions when violated.

• Data and data structures in Sts involve range and storehouse of an organization’s information. Additionally, this element explains data use, retrieval, or presentation for use.

An organization’s socio-technical principles supports the business as a great place to work. More than that, Sts is a key factor to supporting leadership initiatives, vision, and values. Observed in 1949 in Great Britain, researchers industrialized socio-technical systems in South Yorkshire coalmines. They saw the technical improvements in mining coal combined with extremely motivated work groups who self-regulated and collaborated closely became more sufficient than primary work groups with the same technological improvements. an additional one observation was the self-regulated and collaborative teams were more cooperative among themselves, performing multiple tasks rather than one man one job, and committed to Ortgeist (spirit of the place) (Aldridge, 2004).

Sts Applied Organizationally

A up-to-date Internet hunt found the U.S. Federal Aviation management Logistic Center’s statement of beliefs and commitments. Not all cited here; however, these premium ones reinforce concepts of socio-technical systems.

• Results Oriented – The Logistics town permanently drives for results and success. We drive issues to closure, persist despite obstacles and opposition, and enunciate a high power level. Our employees facilely put in the needed time and exertion to perform results.

• Innovation – The future of the Logistics town is assured only as long as it welcomes and rewards innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness. We recognize “trial and error” as being elements of innovation and continuous improvement. Innovation has been the cause of success for the Logistics Center.

• Quality – We furnish the best ability in all of our products and services. Our goal is to exceed commerce benchmarks.

• People – habitancy are our most foremost resource. We respect the individual’s dignity and value their contributions. We invest in training and schooling to give our employees the tools to make the Logistics town a world-class organization.

• Teamwork and Collaboration – The Logistics town provides a inescapable and intriguing environment that supports the achievement of mission goals and fosters team spirit. We are partners with our customers, stakeholders, suppliers, and are committed to union/management partnerships.

• Integrity and Openness – The Logistics town values trust, sincerity, honesty, and candor in relationships both personally and organizationally. We encourage our employees to express ideas, opinions, and thoughts in an honest and genuine manner.

• Corporate Citizenship – The Logistics town values a inescapable corporate image and is sensitive to our corporate responsibilities to the community. We actively partake and maintain community involvement.
In post-industrial organizations, Sts helps leaders originate constructs that are enabling, empowering, in turn, enabling and empowering accelerates communication, and learning and knowledge. Within the context of knowledge Construction and knowledge, sharing, Sts, through collaboration, allows work groups’ flexibility to create primary work patterns and contentious advantage.

Leaders Role in Sts

Davis (1996) urges victorious leaders to lead as if the future is now. Accomplishing this means looking the final product rather than the processes of the product. Sts employs the right habitancy and the right technology at the right time within a structure that supports organizational values.
In an environment of rapid change, having a contentious benefit allows organizational foresight. However, foresight requires maintaining core values. Socio-technical systems maintain organizational values by maintaining organizational memory and shared experiences. Memory and shared experiences furnish views of where the club was while retention everybody tracking toward future vision. An club with strong Sts standards uses their technology to maintain history, originate execution benchmarks, and create knowledge and learning environments. Strong ability systems demonstrate teams’ abilities to eliminate obsolete practices while staying within the framework of primary values.


Stated earlier, organizations are systems of interrelated parts with differing skills and skill levels. Sts, working within an organizations value principles promotes wisely those with skills, knowledge, and ability. Additionally, Sts, working with the value system, provides workers with the tools needed to grow in the skills, knowledge, and abilities so they, too, can be promoted. Members of self-directed teams seek new or improved skills from within the Sts and through their interconnection with team members.
Self-directed teams improved productivity and commitment to the team and club in English coalmines in 1949 and self-directed teams continue being sufficient and committed. Therefore, an club employing socio-technical systems can grow into the future, yet hold fast to its historical past and the values development the group viable.


Aldridge, J. W. (2004). AboutChange Solutions. Encyclopedia of Distributed learning (Isbn 0-7619-2451-5). Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.
Anonymous, (no date). Why a Social-Technical System? Retrieved online January 12, 2006 from [http://www.computingcases.org/general_tools/sia/socio_tech_systems.html].

Anonymous, (1996 – May-June). Maintaining Organizational Memories. Tqm/Cci News. Retrieved January 22, 2006 from [http://www.grafix9000.com/documents/ccinews_organizational-memory.pdf].

Davis, S. (1996). future Perfect. Reading, Ma: Addison-Wesley.
Hill, C. W. L. & Jones, G. R. (1998). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Boston, Ma: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Lee, Q., (2000). ability in the Balance: Six-Sigma – A Socio-Technical System. Retrieved online January 12, 2006 from [http://www.sixsigma.com/library/content/c020902a.asp].

Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The art & convention of the learning organization. New York, Ny: Currency and Doubleday.

Trist, E. L. (1981). The evolution of socio-technical systems: A conceptual framework and an activity explore program. Ontario ability of Working Life Center, Occasional Paper no. 2.

U. S. Federal Aviation management – Logistics Center. Organizational Values. Retrieved online January 22, 2006 from [http://www.logistics.faa.gov/StratPlan/values.htm].

Winston, B. (2002). Be a Leader for God’s Sake. Virginia Beach, Va: Regent University, School of Leadership Studies.

Wren, D. A. (2005). The History of management understanding (5th Ed.) Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Wren, J. T. (1995). The Leader’s Companion: Insights on Leadership through the Ages. New York, Ny: The Free Press.

Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in Organizations (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, Nj: Pearson Education.

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multiple Sclerosis - Walking Problems - treatment

Joliet Hospital - multiple Sclerosis - Walking Problems - treatment.
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Joliet Hospital! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

1.) complicated Sclerosis

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How is multiple Sclerosis - Walking Problems - treatment

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Ms is an autoimmune disease that affects both the brain and an individuals spinal cord (central nervous system, Cns). This disease affects more women more than men and is commonly seen in those individuals that are in the middle of the ages of twenty and forty. - However, it can be seen at any age.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).

2.) The Myelin Sheath

Ms occurs when the myelin sheath is damaged. This is the protective cover that surrounds nerve cells. As a corollary of damage to the nerve cells, impulses are slowed down for patients, if not stopped. This nerve damage happens when there is inflammation that is caused by the body's immune cells attacking the nervous system. Repeated episodes of inflammation can happen along any area of the brain, spinal cord or even the optic nerve.

3.) Some Symptoms of Ms

•Loss of balance, which can cause problems while walking

•Muscle spasms and numbness

•Problems when an personel tries to move their arms or legs

•Problems with coordination and development small movements

4.) Walking Aids

A.) Afos (ankle foot orthoses): Walking aids can support population in everyday situations. For example, there are braces called Afos that can no ifs ands or buts help population walk with more speed and stability. These supports are typically in case,granted by a brace scholar called an orthotist. These braces are typically made from plastic and can fit in most pairs of shoes. - If you have never tried an Afo for walking better, it is something to consider.

B.) WalkAide: Moreover, there is other gadget called the WalkAide (which is Fda approved) that can no ifs ands or buts help population with drop foot due to Ms. These gadget can help a man walk best by providing impulses to the peroneal nerve. This in turn can help lift the foot as the outpatient walks along.

C.) Walking Cane: Lastly, there is the use of a cane. These are ordinarily used devices that have been around a long time. The qoute with a cane though is that the outpatient has to hold something and they are fast labeled as being "disabled" by their peers. - An Afo or the WalkAide helps a man walk best and they do not necessarily have to hold anything to get the benefits of these devices.

*Note: This is condition information. Medical advice on bracing should be in case,granted to you by your local, licensed orthotist (brace specialist) when it comes to the WalkAide and an Afo.

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Types of Ankle Foot Orthoses (Afos) - Solid Ankle, Dynamic and Molded Braces For Drop Foot

Joliet Hospital - Types of Ankle Foot Orthoses (Afos) - Solid Ankle, Dynamic and Molded Braces For Drop Foot.
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Types of Ankle Foot Orthoses (Afos) - Solid Ankle, Dynamic and Molded Braces For Drop Foot.

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Do you want to learn more about braces for drop foot?

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How is Types of Ankle Foot Orthoses (Afos) - Solid Ankle, Dynamic and Molded Braces For Drop Foot

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1.) Introduction

The healing commerce talks about different types of Afos. Some of the terminology that is used is good and other times habitancy will just put facts on the internet that is simply not correct. This facts about braces is precise and it is written by a licensed orthotist (brace specialist). Three types of ankle foot orthoses (braces) are written about in this article. This is good health facts that can help you learn about these braces in simple terms.

2.) Solid Ankle Afo: What does the word "solid" mean in this phrase? When person talks about a "solid ankle" Afo, most of the time they are referring to the level of plastic that is settled in the ankle section of the brace. A solid ankle foot orthosis (brace) has plastic that comes in front of the patient's natural ankle joint. Why is this important? The whole of plastic that is settled at the ankle joint serves to supply different levels of support. It can whether hold the foot up, or the ankle foot orthosis (brace) can do more if more plastic encompasses the patient's ankle joint. A solid ankle Afo will not only help to hold up the foot when a person walks, but it can also supply more side to side stability to the ankle. It also limits movement to the point where a person can get indirect preserve at the knee joint, although the brace does not come up to the knee. - The lowest line is that a solid ankle Afo will be more supportive than most other forms of ankle foot orthoses. Moreover, the bonus to a solid ankle Afo is that once a patient does not need the level of preserve that they offer, a brace expert can trim the plastic back and it can become a different form of ankle foot orthosis (brace).

3.) Dynamic Afo: This is a generic term. This is not a technical term in which the brace commerce recognizes as being valid, but since so many healing professionals talk about "dynamic Afos" the term has somehow stuck. Typically, when habitancy talk about a dynamic ankle foot orthosis, they are referring to a hinged or "articulated" Afo. The term "articulated" is probably more precise to use. Articulated means that the brace has the potential to move at the ankle joint. There are different limitations that are included in a hinged, or articulated Afo. With an articulated ankle foot orthosis, the brace basically allows the knee to move forward or even backward more, as a follow of more mobility at the ankle. Essentially, what you will find is that a "dynamic" Afo allows more movement and still can supply preserve for habitancy in exact directions. Writing the words "dynamic Afo" on a prescription will leave the door wide open for interpretation and the orthotist will probably have to talk with the physician about what they mean.

3.) Molded Afos: This is a term that is also not exactly correct, if you as a matter of fact want to analyze it. However, it is some how seen on different parts of the internet. What habitancy mean when they say the term "molded Afo" is that it is a brace that is made from an impression, or mold of a patient's leg and foot. Sure, habitancy can frame out what it means, but this does not mean the term is accurate. Technically speaking, if you took the words "molded ankle foot orthosis" and made it into an acronym, it would be Mafo. However, this is not a technical term that is recognized uniformly in the orthotic industry. Typically, a brace expert will call the "molded Afo" a "custom Afo".

There is a need for more healing professionals to get on the same page when it comes to the terminology used to present braces. We hope this facts has started to clear up some of the lacking terminology that is currently being used.

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Job Interviews - How to acknowledge the "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?" query

Mission Junior College - Job Interviews - How to acknowledge the "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?" query.
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Mission Junior College! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

It is base for hiring managers to ask why you want to leave your current job. How you answer that examine can have a big impact on your chances of getting the new position. So don't blow it!When answering the "Why do you want to leave your current job?" question, my advice is to be honest (to a point), obvious and upbeat.

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How is Job Interviews - How to acknowledge the "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?" query

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There are many reasons to leave a job. Most population are looking for occupation advancement opportunities or new challenges. Sometimes clubs get into financial mystery and have to cut their work force. Where I live, many population would leave their current job simply to have one with a shorter commute!

Those are pretty simple reasons that anything would understand.

Then there are population who want to leave because they do not like their job or their boss. But Never say anything negative about the company or population you are working for. If you do, the interviewer may think of you as a complainer who has a problem with authority or cannot get along with others.

So, even if the reason you want to leave is that you hate your job or do not get along with your boss, give a distinct reason for wanting to leave. You do not have to lie; just be discreetly selective with your answer.

Sample answers:

"I've worked with Abc company for five years, and during that time I've achieved all of the goals I set for myself. I enjoy my job, but my advancement opportunities there are limited. I'm looking for new challenges with a larger organization, like yours. With my touch in (whatever), I'm sure I could lead to your company's mission (be as definite as inherent here) and continued success."


"To be honest, I don't want to leave. I've enjoyed my work at Xyz company and have had great success there. But the company is going straight through a tough time and is downsizing its staff, so it's time for me to move on. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I've admired your company for years and am excited to have this opportunity to interview with you. I feel my touch at Xyz company will enable me to help you with...(whatever)."


"I like my current job, but I'm concerned in changing occupation paths. I'd like to broaden my horizons and find new ways to lead to an organization's goals. This position with your company would allow me to do that by...(whatever)."

Try to consist of definite facts relevant to the company you're interviewing with. For example, if you know the company participates in community environmental events, mention that ("I'm also eager to work for a company that helps the environment.").

Key: The more you use definite facts that shows you are knowledgeable about the job and the company for which you're applying, the sweeter your answer will sound to the interviewer!

Read "The Job Interview Success System" (mentioned below) for more great job interview tips.

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10 Reasons to Go to College

Two Year College Careers - 10 Reasons to Go to College.
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Two Year College Careers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Life is full of options and choices. The choices we make shape our future. As we stand at the cross roads after high school we must have the right foresight to make the decision to go to college.

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How is 10 Reasons to Go to College

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1. A college education secures our future. The estimate of employment opportunities is greater and statistics recite that most leaders are college grads.

2. If you have a college education you will make more money which in turn will enable you to have a better lifestyle. If a high school graduate earns Us$ 34,303 annually, a college graduate will earn Us$ 56,334, and a someone with a professional qualification will net at least Us$ 99,411.

3. It is not just earnings. A college education makes you a rounded person. It shapes your communication skills, expands your knowledge base, makes you methodical and organized, and exposes you to a whole new world of learning.

4. People with a college education have better value systems and are healthier. They are able to guide their house positively.

5. College can help you qualify in fields you are concerned in. So if you are an innovator, inventor, or healer, or artist you can train in the specific field and qualify.

6. According to experts, college graduates are self confident, have greater knowledge of governance, are less likely to come to be criminals, are emotionally and financially secure, make better partners and parents, and have a deeper understanding of human nature.

7. College instills a deep sense of right and wrong and is they very essence of a democratic world.

8. Education opens the doors to many things like many jobs, work choices, the occasion to added education at any point in life, and the selection of teaching others what you have learnt. Be it a child, house member, or a poor someone you meet.

9. College education is an investment in you that yields much more than Wall street investments.

10. College educated citizens will ensure the persisting success of the "American Dream." The potential to see the right path and work for peace and prosperity.

Students according to Jose Marti a patriot are the very ramparts of a nation and the strongest advocates of freedom. education creates a conscience and as a follow a better human being. College education eventually becomes a heritage for hereafter generations. Most succeeding generations of college educated habitancy go to college themselves. The value of a good education becomes ingrained in their genes. Huge stones can be moved with muscle power but it is brain power that tells you how to move it and what can be done with it.

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Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion simply

Hospice At Home - Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion simply.
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Do you know about - Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion simply

Hospice At Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Victims of continuing Sinus Congestion may have the following symptoms for 12 weeks or more: facial pain/pressure, facial congestion/fullness, nasal obstruction/blockage, thick nasal discharge/discolored post-nasal drainage, pus in the nasal cavity, and at times, fever. They may also have headache, bad breath, and fatigue. Typically this health is the supervene of several causes combined. While you can't necessarily eliminate the causes, you can be proactive about natural sinus relief solutions and take a few prophylactic measures that will decrease the occurrence of sinus congestion.

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How is Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion simply

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However, allergies can cause sinus congestion, which can lead to sick pain. If you have allergies, the medicine for your allergy will not comfort your sick pain. Some sinus congestion is caused by food allergies. Milk and wheat are both base sinus offenders that cause allergic reactions and boost mucus production. Generally, a sinusitis health causes nasal congestion and facial pain and pressure, will last more than ten days, and could also cause a thick yellow green mucus discharge, requiring sinus infection treatment.

Many citizen seek natural sinus relief because they react poorly to the ingredients in decongestant and antihistamine medications. Why? Because normally decongestant nasal sprays should only be used for short periods of time, or they can make congestion worse. Using decongestants when you have an upper respiratory infection may reduce your risk of developing sinusitis.

Antihistamines can be productive for medicine of allergy but when it comes to sinus drainage, the medication literally thicken the mucus, hampering sinus drainage and could lead to an infection.

Sinus congestion is harmful but if you take care of it in a proper manner you can literally get rid of it. One of the simple natural sinus relief without any side effects that you can do at home is using a steam inhalation. You should inhale steam vapors periodically. It is very helpful to steep some eucalyptus in a large pot of boiling water and use as an inhalant to unblock nasal passages. Add a few drops of eucalyptus primary oil at the bottom of a large bowl and determined fill it with steaming hot water at least three to four times a day for 2-3 minutes. Fast put a towel over your head and determined lean over the bowl to breathe in the vapors.

There are numerous reasons why you should concentrate steam inhalation and eucalyptus ingredients to treat sinus problems naturally. Eucalyptus primary oil is probably the most productive of all sinus infection remedies. Researchers also discovered the extremely concentrated passage of eucalyptus called Cineole is a marvelous clean properties. This favorable remedy will break up mucus congestion and improve drainage, thus eliminating the block and relieving pressure. This will also soothe inflammation, which will ease sinus pain and provide productive natural sinus relief.

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FedEx Job Opportunities - seeing FedEx Jobs Online

Two Year College Careers - FedEx Job Opportunities - seeing FedEx Jobs Online.
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Do you know about - FedEx Job Opportunities - seeing FedEx Jobs Online

Two Year College Careers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

For those curious in careers in the communication and facts business FedEx job opportunities should be considered. FedEx is a Fortune 500 business and continues to grow in its industry, globally recognized as a leader in delivering packages on time and without damage. Currently the corporation employs over 200,000 workers globally. FedEx Express owned by FedEx Corporation offers shipping and freight to over 200 countries in the world while FedEx Ground delivers small packages to the Us, Puerto Rico and Canada. FedEx also owns several more companies. Fortunately, for job applicants this also means more FedEx job openings.

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How is FedEx Job Opportunities - seeing FedEx Jobs Online

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The quickest way to find FedEx job opportunities is online with job boards and varied other sites that are affiliated with FedEx. These sites allow FedEx jobs to be searched by class and region with both part time and full time positions being offered. Positions are ready for those seeing for a physically demanding job or those seeing to work in a more original office setting. At FedEx, Ground administrative Clerks are often hired in the facilities to perform clerical work and report keeping. Positions for dock workers are labor-intensive requiring workers lift over a 100 pounds. On the other hand, a quality assurance Clerk would want both bodily labor and administrative skills. A quality assurance Clerk would be responsible for ensuring packages are delivered to the right address, dealing with buyer aid complaints and be required to lift packages of varied sizes.

Those with a bachelor's degree will also find that FedEx job opportunities are not just for those who have itsybitsy or no training or on the job experience. A Developer examiner at FedEx is one position where a degree is needed. The Developer examiner would be responsible for creating business reports, analyzing systems, and dealing with coding. This position would want developed knowledge of programming and some engineering experience. Of course, one of the most recognized FedEx job openings is that of the delivery drivers. Temporary positions can also be found while the holidays for those curious in getting their foot in the door while still attending college.

FedEx job opportunities also comprise the need for skilled pilots. FedEx pilots are required to have a college degree, commercial pilot certification and the quality to regain clearance from the United States Postal aid to cope mail. Other positions in aviation are also ready such as an aviation mechanic. For those curious in working for FedEx without having a boss think their independent undertaker of a package deal job opportunities. These FedEx job openings allow those with entrepreneurship skills to build their own business with the FedEx brand name recognition behind them.

FedEx job openings offer many benefits to its workers that should be considered. These comprise flexible spending accounts, life insurance, disability insurance, pension plans, stock purchase options, paid vacations and holidays. Workers can also advantage from ongoing study opportunities with in-house certification, seminars, and administration training being offered. FedEx job opportunities may also allow great employees to get their college degree or take supplementary courses linked to their job with educational reimbursement by FedEx.

And, as always with any job application, make sure you corollary up. Give them a call within a few days of submitting your application and let them know you're serious about getting hired. The old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease holds pretty true when it comes to job hunting too!

Apply for a FedEx job right now, from the relieve of your home. FedEx Job Application

I wish you the very best and I hope you find the job you're seeing for.

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Three Best Certificate Programs With Great vocation Opportunities

Two Year College Careers - Three Best Certificate Programs With Great vocation Opportunities.
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Do you know about - Three Best Certificate Programs With Great vocation Opportunities

Two Year College Careers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Today, there are thousands of certificate programs that promise to land you aspiring careers. However, not all of these programs live up to the promise. With whole research, we have found out the truth behind certificate programs. The investigate helped us to find the three best certificate programs that are ready in today's world. Just keep reading to find more about them.

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How is Three Best Certificate Programs With Great vocation Opportunities

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Accounting Technician Program

Accounting is a field that all the time has good career opportunities. In this slowed down economy, the examine for accounting technicians is very high. An accounting technician gets paid based on his/her potential and qualifications. Accounting technician training programs prepares the candidates to meet any challenge in the accounting world. Through these training programs, the candidates come to be certified accounting technicians, along with getting wide knowledge about receivable and payable, payroll procedures and tax laws, fixed assets, gift value calculation for liabilities, cash-basis and bookkeeping. This enables them to command higher salaries than expected.

The Legal Field

The legal field is well known to be a never-ending source jobs. Paralegal jobs are the current attraction in the legal arena, due to an fullness of lawyers. There are many types of paralegal training programs that are ready today. The former on-campus paralegal training and the quicker online paralegal training are the two former options. There is a misconception among citizen that there is actually no need of paralegal training. They think that they just need to a law firm and come to be a paralegal. The fact is that the most paralegals are hired based on their knowledge and previous experience. The paralegal degree and training programs are an exquisite means to get wide knowledge about legal activities. Becoming a paralegal is very easy today. The basic training requirements are good writing skills, some computer knowledge and a few management skills.

Administrative Assistant Training Program

Administrative assistants are needed everywhere, in every industry. Hence, the scope of career opportunities is wide too. The responsibilities of menagerial assistants will vary across distinct companies. However, typing, filling forms and answering phone calls are the basic responsibilities of an menagerial assistant. Though the clerical and office skills of the menagerial assistants are often overlooked, the best menagerial assistants can gain recognition by completing office tasks with the utmost efficiency. So where does this "utmost efficiency" come from? This is where the menagerial assistant training programs come in handy. The important fact to be noted is that menagerial assistants get paid based on their efficiency.

Choosing the Right Institution

When it comes to training programs, there are a lot of scams online. Therefore, it's all the time good to do a minute investigate about the convention before you join them. all the time stick to the trusted and accredited training programs to avoid scams. Notable training institutions like 'Mti College' are exquisite platforms of study and they offer great career assistance, as well.

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Top 10 Most sufficient Home Remedies For Tonsillitis

Hospice At Home - Top 10 Most sufficient Home Remedies For Tonsillitis.
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Tonsils are known as part of immunity ideas present in mouth. However, there are clear conditions, which may lead to damage and infection to them. The state of inflammation of tonsils is known as tonsillitis. The man suffering from tonsillitis often experiences sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, pain in ear, weakness and enlargement of lymph glands.

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How is Top 10 Most sufficient Home Remedies For Tonsillitis

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Before you consult a physician for the treatment, it is advised to try some home treatments capable of treating this undesirable disorder.

Salt and Water - It is the most tasteless home remedy for tonsillitis to gargle with salt added to warm water. Vegetable juices - The juices of vegetables like carrot, cucumber and beet is easily the most efficient home based remedy for treating tonsillitis. You may consume these juices separately or as a mixture. Mustard - It is often suggested to rinse your throat with solution ready by mixing powdered mustard in hot water. This helps in cleaning the germs causing this qoute from the throat. Lemon and honey - The aggregate of lime juice with honey ready in hot water is someone else great remedy for relieving throat from pain and infection. You may also add a pinch of salt in the mixture. Fenugreek seeds - The fenugreek seeds should be allowed to boil with water and the resulting aggregate must be used as a gargle to get relief from this problem. However, you must allow the aggregate to cool down before using it. Milk - The pure boiled milk is someone else recommended home remedy for treating tonsil infections. It is also advised to add turmeric powder and pepper powder in the milk before exciting it. Banafsha Flowers - You may boil 12g of banafsha flowers with milk and filter it out after boiling. The filtered milk must be drunk hot to comfort throat from tonsil infections. Also, you may use the flower extracts filtered out in above process and massage them moderately colse to throat before going to bed. Turmeric - Because of anti-bacterial anti-viral properties exhibited by turmeric, it is advised to put in order a paste of turmeric roots in hot water and apply it externally colse to the throat. Dried Figs - Dried and boiled figs are quite efficient in reducing the pain and harshness caused due to tonsillitis. You must mash these figs and consume them with a spoon of honey. Onion and Ginger - Onion juice and ginger juice are considered as best home remedies for assorted problems and tonsillitis is one of them. You may use these juices for gargling and reducing the pain in throat.
Dietary recommendations
It is necessary to follow a perfect diet plan to get relieved from tonsillitis. You must consume fresh fruits and vegetables to benefit your throat against this problem. Also, products like yoghurt, tea ready from Echinacea, Goldenseal, nuts and grains.

You must avoid alcohol, smoking, spices, condiments, fried foods and carbonated drinks in case of tonsillitis.

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Easy Math

Joliet Junior College Phone Number - Easy Math.
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Joliet Junior College Phone Number! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Math had been difficult for some of us, but then it is a skill like language where you have to custom at all times.

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How is Easy Math

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Math is part of everyday life because everyday, habitancy deal with business, money, and jobs. We can't go away counting, it sharpens the brains.

I have learned to love Math when I was in high school, though I did not excel in it; I got one of the highest scores in basic Math and other Math subjects except for Algebra. Math goes with Science and I found Science to be fascinating.

In college/university my parents belief I could be dealing with a field connected to counting. But then, to analyze every inventory got boring for me. I wasn't fond of recording every detail and solving the problems of a lost centavo. Anyway, I concluded the course and writing still found me. Hooray!

In the later years, I practiced selling and then I have learned how small businesses work. It was a way to augment a housewife's income and add some money; I have to love numbers; it means profit. Here, I have practiced counting speedily without the calculators tallying 10's and 100's in my mind. I discovered I counted faster than the students and other professionals who use the calculator. Although my answers aren't exact, it came right rounded off.

In supermarkets, I all the time tell the checker " Please buzz me at this amount." I saw others computing using gadgets, but maybe they were just so diligent and acting out cool, but they seemed funny. Here's what I do, I don't use any gadget. "I counted in 10's and 100's and that's it." See how you bring basic Math till the day you die!

I remember when the co-teacher of my mother added plate numbers of cars during a "stop." I remember how my cousin Giovanni memorized serial numbers of money in his young age. I remember how my daughter Riza knew telephone numbers and dates by heart when in high school. And how in my mind, I favorite my classmates Allan and Luisa play with numbers. All these, were real Math custom in life, that can equal exercises in the books. We can teach this to our young and old population. Practice, and more custom is the answer!

Check this out:

60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
7 days = 1 week
4 weeks = 1 month
12 months = 1 year
365 days = 1 year
366 days = 1 leap year
10 years = 1 decade
100 years = 1 century
1000 years = 1 millennium

"Meridies" is the Latin word for noon.
Ante means before; Post means after.
From midnight to before noon is morning = ante miridiem = A.M.
12 noon is midday.
From noon to 12 midnight = afternoon = post meridiem = P.M.

Happy counting!

Rosalinda Flores - Martinez

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Arm Slings - How to Apply Them

Hospice At Home - Arm Slings - How to Apply Them.
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Do you know about - Arm Slings - How to Apply Them

Hospice At Home! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Slings are ordinarily used to keep an injured arm of man that is sitting or able to walk. Slings can also be used as a rehabilitation for broken ribs. Arm slings are commonly made with a triangular bandage and most first aid kits should have one, and always be replaced once used. There are several dissimilar types of slings used. The first is the arm sling - This is used to supply keep to the lower half of the arm in whether of the two following positions, horizontal or having the arm slightly raised from this. The second is the elevation sling - which provides keep to the upper half of the arm by having the hand in a well raised position. This can be used to help with fractures, to help reduce swelling, to help control bleeding, and for complicated rib fractures.

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How is Arm Slings - How to Apply Them

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How to apply an arm sling

o keep the injured forearm
o Place the triangular bandage between the body and the arm
o Pass one end of the bandage straight through at the injured elbow, and pull to the opposite shoulder
o Spread the bandage out so that the lowest of the bandage is in line with her little finger
o Bring the lower end of the bandage up and over her arm towards the shoulder so that the ends meet
o Tie the two ends together and tuck both of the ends under the knot to help pad it and supply comfort
o Fold the point send at her elbow and regain it with a security pin or twist the end until the elbow is securely in place then tuck it into the sling
o Continue to make checks to the arm to make sure it is not to tight but providing sufficient support

How to apply an elevated sling

o keep the injured arm
o Have the casualty bring his arm up toward his opposite shoulder in the diagonal position
o Place one end of the triangular bandage over the shoulder of the uninjured arm, manufacture sure that the point of the bandage is on the injured side of the arm
o Fold the base of the bandage under the injured arm and behind his elbow
o Bring the two ends of the bandage together and tie at the uninjured shoulder folding the ends under the knot to supply a pad manufacture it more comfortable
o Twist the excess material at the elbow to supply a snug fit and tuck this into the sling
o Continue to make checks to the arm to make sure it is not to tight but providing sufficient support

In the case of an urgency where no first aid kit or triangular bandage is available items such as a tie, belt, thick twine or rope, or any material can be used to keep the arm. If none of these are available an item of clothing can be used.

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White Spots on Your Throat - What Are They?

Seasons Hospice - White Spots on Your Throat - What Are They?.
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Do you know about - White Spots on Your Throat - What Are They?

Seasons Hospice! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When you look in the mirror do you notice little white spots on the back of your throat?

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How is White Spots on Your Throat - What Are They?

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If so, then you most likely are searching through books and websites trying to self diagnose these white spots, fearing the worst. It could be some sort of strep throat. It could be "thrush"- a yeast infection in your mouth. Or it could be tonsilloliths.

Tonsilloliths or "tonsil stones" are little white or yellow balls of built up food, dead white blood cells and other particles in your mouth.

Ask yourself this: - Do you have a sore throat that accompanies the white spots on your throat? - Do you have trouble swallowing or does it feel like something is stuck on the back of your throat? - And, do you have really bad breath?

If you have answered Yes to any of the above, then those white spots on your throat are most likely tonsil stones. Tonsil stones occur in some people and not in others. Experts suggest that overactive salivary glands, an excess of oral bacteria, larger tonsils and bigger tonsil crypts, or crevices, all play a factor in tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones are not life threatening or even dangerous. They are just annoying as they can be irritable and also cause embarrassment. They have quite a strong unpleasant odour caused by the build-up of bacteria. Tonsil stones, similar to tarter, will continue to grow and harden with time. While some tonsil stones are only the size of a pea, others can grow as big as a marble.

Removing tonsil stones can be quite difficult. Some people simply sneeze or flex their throat and these white spots will remove themselves. Others have to use a toothbrush, a Q-tip or their finger to scrape at the tonsil stones. Others opt to have their tonsils surgically removed or lasered if the problem becomes too much.

If you are prone to these annoying white spots on your throat, then you need to ensure that you practice good oral hygiene. Adding baking soda to your toothpaste can also combat against the bad odour as well as chewing on mint, thyme or parsley leaves during the day.

And keep in mind that those yucky white spots on your throat as more common than you may think. You are not alone.

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Format For a Resume Reference Page - The "How to" Guide

Joliet Junior College Phone Number - Format For a Resume Reference Page - The "How to" Guide.
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Do you know about - Format For a Resume Reference Page - The "How to" Guide

Joliet Junior College Phone Number! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

There are plentifulness of "how to" guides on writing a resume, but very few address the issue of what the format for a resume reference page should look like. A reference page is a requisite part of the resume/job search process. Consideration I stated, "reference page" as your references should be settled on detach page rather than in your resume!

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How is Format For a Resume Reference Page - The "How to" Guide

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Don'T place your references in your resume - that is not the allowable format!

The first step in studying how to put references in a resume is don't put them in it...

Create a detach sheet and use a resume reference sample page as a guide.

The suitable in the "Job Search" world is:

3 pro References 3 Personal References

If you stick to this suitable you should be more than ready for any inquiry from employers.

The format for a resume reference page is a uncomplicated layout with no extra fluff. Stay away from trying to sell yourself to the employer - just give them the facts.

Your pro References should be listed as follows:


Job Title



Phone Number

Email Address

William J. Myar

Corporate Accounts Manager

Inglewood Production, Inc

444 East Steel Road

Joliet, Illinois 12345

(123) 456-7890

Email address

List your Personal References as follows:



Phone Number

Email Address

Steven L. Pinkerton

321 Jenkins Avenue

Milan, Illinois 12345

(123) 456-7890

Email address

Don't forget to contact your references prior to placing them on your list. This keeps your references from being blindsided by the employer and allows them some time to put in order for the call.

Another good idea is to send them a copy of your resume so they can get an idea of your qualifications.

The Format for a Resume Reference Page is no more than one page and creates a convenient way for you to riposte to reference inquiries from employers.

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How to Get into The Air Force Academy

Junior College Jobs - How to Get into The Air Force Academy.
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Do you know about - How to Get into The Air Force Academy

Junior College Jobs! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Getting into the Air Force Academy requires a commitment, and a difficult admission process. Your chances of getting into the Academy aren't good - fewer than one candidate in 50 gets admitted. What follows are the stumbling blocks that stop most candidate applications from succeeding, and how to address them.

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How is How to Get into The Air Force Academy

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We are assuming that you're reading this as a high school junior. If you're starting this process in your senior year, you're starting late, and may have to exchange into the Academy from an additional one four year college.

The first stumbling block is fitness. Each year, the Air Force Academy requires all cadets to do a times 1.5 mile run, and the generalized physical fitness test of pull ups, standing long jumps, sit ups and pushups, with a 600 meter run all in 15 minutes. In particular, this test has to be done in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which is at high altitude. Unless you're doing athletics in high school, the odds that you'll pass this test the first time are pretty slim.

Related to this, the Academy looks for candidates who participate in team sports, and in athletics in general. This shows that a pupil is willing to work, work hard, and work within a team to accomplish group goals, and to use controlled aggression to their own aims. Basketball, football, track, trap shooting and fencing are sports the Air Force grades high in candidate application processes.

Like any college admission program, academic performance is important. It's more than just having a level A average. The mystery of the classes you take matters as well. The Air Force puts more weight on the mystery of the procedure load (taking calculus rather than refresher math, for instance) than it does on exquisite Gpa requirements. If you're weak academically, the time to find out about it is at the starting of your junior year in high school, where you should focus on study habit correction and boosting your Gpa. Gpa in the last two years of high school will count for more than your early Gpa.

The Air Force puts lower weighting on standardized test scores. While most four-year colleges use standardized test scores to differentiate between students with near same academic records, the Air Force treats them somewhat as a pass-fail test. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, while not a substitute for the Sat or Act, is a good adjunct. Be sure to take it as well as the other tests.

The biggest filter for candidates trying to get into the Air Force Academy is character. Character can be difficult to decree objectively, so the Academy requires candidates to get letters of advice from their community leaders, and teachers, and employers, and the coordinators of any volunteer organizations they belong to. Focus on getting the best unavoidable letters of advice you can get. When you write your admission essay, focus on events that showcase places where you exerted leadership, or showed strength of character. This is the place to shine if you're worried about your academic performance.

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The Best Sexual Positions: The Top 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make

Build A Labyrinth - The Best Sexual Positions: The Top 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make.
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Build A Labyrinth! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

One of the many challenges men have is to decree on what positions to use when getting booty. The biggest fears are that the woman will get bored with the "same old, same old" and as a supervene lose interest in sex. So the examine becomes, what are the best sexual positions?

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How is The Best Sexual Positions: The Top 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Build A Labyrinth.

The best way to justify this is to talk about what Not to do. With that in mind, I'll now talk about the top five mistakes guys make when it comes to sexual positions, so that way you won't continue manufacture them.

Position Mistake 1: Imitating anything seen in a porn movie. This is probably the biggest intuit that guys fail with sexual positions. Inexperienced guys think porn is a good model because they see studs banging beautiful broads, and... Well, they just don't know any better. The qoute is that sexual positions in those sorts of movies are meant to display a good scene for viewers, not to maximize satisfaction for the actors.

And in fact, one of the Worst positions for clitoral and vaginal stimulation is when the woman puts her ankles on your shoulders. With her pelvis bent back that far, she can feel pain in her cervix if you push in too far. Plus it's a position that puts pressure. (If you ever have a opportunity to go behind the scenes and watch the manufacture of an adult movie, you'll see how speedily the mood gets killed when the actress keeps having to stop the scene to go to the bathroom!)

Position Mistake 2: Trying too hard to keep your weight off the woman, in any position. To a woman, sex is a way to get closer to her man. She loves it when he leans on the underside of her thighs. So here's a tip for you to try... Next time you're having sex with your woman (while you're engaged in actual intercourse, that is), get more of your weight on her. You see, during sex, roughly every woman enjoys feeling her man's body pressed hard against her.

So how much weight should you put on her? Make it sufficient so that after you come, and the sexual frenzy dissipates, your woman will tell you that she feels like she's being smooshed. Of course, do this within limits! If you're on top off her milling her pubic bone for too long, it can feel painful for her.

But the bottom line is that many, many women like to be pressured by at least some of the man's weight. So save the gentlemanly sex for the royal family's women!

Position Mistake 3: Letting the woman do all the work when she's on top. For virtually every woman, sex is mostly a passive activity. So by being the motionless beta male, you destroy the whole purpose of sex for her, which is to open herself up to you penetrating into her body.

Position Mistake 4: Being a wimp. A lot of guys have read too many "Men are From Mars"-type books and think women like it if you ask permission for everything and let them take the lead. Be the alpha male instead and just "do it." Flip her over, move her here and there. Be aggressive and even toss her about like a rag doll when you want to change positions, and... She'll Love it! And don't worry about it. If something is going on that the woman doesn't like, she'll let you know.

Position Mistake 5: mental the trickier positions are better. You don't need to be upside down, hanging from a lamp, and doing something crazy. Just be normal. An old standby like the missionary (man on top, woman lying on her back) can be the best sexual position.

Tricky positions are just frustrating for everybody and often kill the mood because there's too much "where should I put my arm?"... And not sufficient "let's just have fun exploring."

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Build A Labyrinth. Where you'll be able to offer use in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is Build A Labyrinth. View Related articles associated with Build A Labyrinth. I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share The Best Sexual Positions: The Top 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make.

Sample Cover Letter For High School Students

Joliet Junior College Phone Number - Sample Cover Letter For High School Students.
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Joliet Junior College Phone Number! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Many teenagers who pass high school look for part time or full time jobs for earning pocket money. A job can be an sense construction stepping stone if you already know what type of occupation you would like to make in future. Nowadays there is huge whole of jobs available for high school student. You just need to get ready an effective cover letter if you want to accumulate a decent job.

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How is Sample Cover Letter For High School Students

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Joliet Junior College Phone Number.

In this narrative I would like to contribute a sample of a high school cover letter which would help high school students, particularly juniors and seniors who want to enter the workforce.

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone #
Your Email


Employer Name
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr. /Ms. Last Name,

I am responding to the employment chance listed on your website. Please accept this letter and along resume as evidence of my interest in applying for this job. I feel my qualifications and my skills would prove to be an asset for your organization.

I have recently passed high school from a well known school. Now, I am seeing for an honored job that will add sense to my construction career. Here are some of my key strengths that I would bring to the position. I am:

1. A self-starter.
2. Disciplined.
3. An excellent communicator.
4. Very willing and eager to learn new things.
5. Exceptional at customer service.
5. Great team worker.

Accepting challenges is the foundation of my life experiences and something I do with confidence. You will find me a totally committed personel with pride in being direct, spontaneous and communicative. I can enunciate records, accomplish numerical calculations with accuracy and I need wee direction to faultless assigned tasks. These are the qualities that make an excellent candidate for this post.

I was responsible for handling and organizing discrete prominent activities in my school. I have even participated in numerous cultural activities. I have working knowledge of Ms Word, PowerPoint, Ms Excel and Internet.

I would appreciate your observation of my credentials. If you do think there is a shared interest, I would greet the chance to meet with you to hear more about your company, the requirements of the position, and how my skills would be a good fit.

Thank you in progress for your consideration.


Your Signature

Your Typed Name

I hope my narrative will help you in establishment a high-quality and eye-catching high school student cover letter.

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The preparing For Leadership

Mission Junior College - The preparing For Leadership.
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Mission Junior College! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.


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How is The preparing For Leadership

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Generally, citizen ascribe the success or failure of a leader to their qualification or fitness to lead. For this speculate when leaders are sought in the secular world, the qualifications of the individuals are commonly given primary considerations. On the contrary, a close exam of the call of great leaders God used in the Bible reveals that God was not primarily concerned about qualifications. Eims Leroy, observed that Leaders like Moses, Gideon and Jeremiah openly confessed their inadequacy to achieve the task God called them to do.1 If God was looking for superior men then he would not have called them.

Does it then mean that preparations are not principal for Leadership? agreeing to Gottfried Osei-Mensah, there are prerequisites for spiritual leadership.2 This statement implies that some form of preparing is necessary. In addition, it is clear from scripture that every leader that God used had sure qualities or abilities that were principal in performing their task. This notice however poses a question: Were those leaders ready for their calling or did they just happen to have the qualities God required? With God, things do not happen by chance, therefore the thesis of this record is, those whom God used in the Bible as leaders were always ready for their task.

To construe this thesis statement excellent leaders in the Bible are examined. The goal is, first to prove that the leaders were ready for leadership and second, to decree the nature of the preparing and its point to the leaders' call.

The following three categories of leaders have been excellent for this study:

a) Those whose call and commission came as a surprise to them
b) Those who were mentored by their predecessor
c) Those who assumed leadership as a follow of a crisis.

Under each leader the presentation will also be divided into three sections:

a) His life history before his call to leadership;
b) His leadership role and achievements;
c) overview of the exact ways he was ready for leadership. Finally an

evaluation would be made and conclusions drawn.

A. Leaders Whose Call And Commission Came As A Surprise

Among the leaders whose call and commission came as a surprise were Moses and Paul. These were leaders who had personal encounter with God whilst they were pursuing their own goals in life. These leaders would now be discussed individually to decree how each of them was ready for leadership.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

The Bible, in Exodus lesson 2-5, discusses the life of Moses from the time of his birth to that of his call. agreeing to this section, Moses was born in Egypt by Hebrew parents. But because of an edict by Pharaoh to kill all the Hebrew baby boys, his mom was unable to raise him up from childhood to adulthood. However, by what can be termed divine providence, Howard F. Vos stated that Moses probably spent the first two or three 'years of his life with his own mother.3 The remaining period of his first forty years was spent in the palace as an adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter. Commenting on the years Moses spent in Pharaoh's palace, John C. Maxwell observed that he received the best of what Egypt offered both physically as well as intellectually. Maxwell cited Acts 7:22 which states that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was superior in words and deeds.4

In spite of the fact that he was raised up in Pharaoh's palace Moses acknowledged his Hebrew identity. He had to flee Egypt because he killed an Egyptian to protect an oppressed Hebrew. The next forty years of his life he spent in Midian tending the flock of Jethro. It was in Midian, at about 80 years of age that God made the surprised call to him.

b) His leadership role and achievements

In this section the goal is just to make a brief reflection of Moses' main task and achievements. agreeing to John D. Hannah, in his annotation on Exodus, God commissioned Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. He showed how that call and commission came as a perfect surprise to Moses.5 Although God also promised to take the Israelites to a good and spacious land, that commission, agreeing to Hannah, was not given to Moses. To keep his point, he made reference to Stephen's statement about Moses' mission in Acts 7:35-36, implying that there was no indication that Moses was supposed to take the Israelites to the promise land.6 Moses well closed the task God gave him in spite of all his objections about his inability when God called him. This was because he thorough in faith God's assuring words that he would be with him to achieve that mission and also because of his ambition to deliver the Israelites from slavery. Commenting on the aspect of his ambition, Ted Engstrom pointed out that "he never lost sight of his ambition and calling in life which made it possible".7 Throughout his mission these words of guarnatee had been a motivation for him.

In addition, Maxwell rightly observed, over the procedure of the years in the desert, Moses' leadership improved. He cited Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, as one man who helped to make that difference in his life.

Moses also closed something else that was not explicitly stated in scripture. D.A. Hubbard, in his record on the Pentateuch said that both Judaism and Christianity thorough without examine the biblical tradition that Moses wrote the Pentateuch.8 These writings had been great materials not just for spiritual purpose but also for academic purpose.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

According to Act 21:39;22:3, Paul was a native of Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. He was of pure Jewish descent and of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil 3:5). He was a Hebrew and a Pharisee. He spoke Greek and was customary with Aramaic (Acts 22:2). Paul, learned tent production because it was primary that all Jewish boys learn a trade.

In his book, 'Paul the Leader', Oswald J. Sanders made this notice about Paul: "all the formative years were calculated, to prepare him to be an eminent Pharisee and Rabbi like his great mentor Gamaliel".9 Paul studied under Gamaliel, a superior instructor of the law and of the school of Hillel. Sanders also recognize that the school of Hillel embraced a broader and more liberal view in schooling than that of Shammai - the other superior school.10 In addition, Sanders stated that unlike the school of Shammai, the school of Hillel was interested in Greek literature. In that school, Paul learned to use works of Gentile authors. He surpassed his fellow-students in both academic achievements and in zeal for both God and the tradition of his fathers. He was roughly a member of the Sanhedrin, the consummate legal and civil court.11

b) His leadership role and achievements

Oswald Sanders, noted that Paul became a great spiritual leader when his heart and mind were captured by Jesus.12 Such statements could not have been made if Paul had not made great achievements in the role God gave him to perform. Other writer, Ted E. Engstrom gave the background to Paul's success: "a Jew living in a Greek city, and with a Roman citizenship. Both by birth and training Paul possessed the tenacity of the Jews, the culture of the Greeks and the practicality of the Romans, and these qualities enabled him to adapt to the citizen among whom he was to move"13. agreeing to Acts lesson 9, when Paul encountered the Lord Jesus he was commissioned to take the gospel message to the gentiles. Records of Paul's accomplishments of his commission can be found in Acts Chapters 13-28. These included missionary journeys to gentile territories, Church planting, training or teaching ministries among the gentiles and flourishing debates with secular philosophers.

In increasing Paul also wrote thirteen of the New Testament Epistles. In these epistles he dealt with leading theological concepts like justification, sanctification and the resurrection of Christ. Varied portions of defense of the Christian faith against secular philosophies are also included in these epistles. agreeing to 2Tim. 4:7, Paul was sure he closed God's mission for his life when he stated that he has fought the good fight, closed the race and kept the faith.

B. Leaders Who Were Mentored By Their Predecessor

The second categories of leaders to be examined are those who were mentored by their predecessor. Among such leaders are Joshua, who succeeded Moses and Samuel, who succeeded Eli. These two leaders will be examined individually in this section.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

The Bible gave a brief house background of Joshua in Exodus 33:11; Num. 1:10. He was the son of Nun, the son of Elishama, head of the tribe of Ephraim. Apart from this background, there is no other facts about him before he met Moses. The scriptures gave much focus to Joshua's mentoring association with Moses. This close working association between them can be traced in scripture.

According to exodus 24:13, when Moses went up Sinai to receive the two tablets for the first time Joshua accompanied him part of the way and was the first to meet him on his return (32:17). Also when the Israelites sinned by worshiping the golden calf, Moses moved the tabernacle covering the camp and left the congregation in fee of Joshua. In addition, Joshua was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to recognize the land of Canaan. It was only after about forty years of mentoring by Moses in the desert that God directed Moses to give Joshua leadership authority over the people.

In his book, 'Leadership Images from the New Testament', David Bennett mentioned four steps in developing a leader from the example of Jesus. These are:

a) To develop leaders who have learned to follow
b) To train within the context of personal apprenticeship.
c) To make commitment to the society as well as training for a task.
d) To stress on the spiritual aspects of leadership.14

These four steps can be found in the roughly forty years mentoring association between Moses and Joshua. As Engstrom rightly puts it "Moses had the right attitude, when he knew it was time to train man else for leadership. He was fearful of being a paternal leader and pleaded with God to give the Israelite a successor".15 This might have been one of the reasons why he devoted himself to mentor Joshua.

b) His leadership role and achievements

Joshua's role was made clear to him when he was commissioned as the leader of Israel. His call and commission was mediated through Moses. In Numbers 27:12-22 the Lord reminded Moses that he would not enter the promise Land and that Joshua would replace him. Moses obeyed the Lord's instructions and commissioned Joshua before the whole Israelite assembly. This commission kept Joshua in focus throughout his mission and he kept his faith in the one who called him. As Donald K. Campbell rightly observed, Joshua interceded for the nation when the Israelites sinned and were defeated.16 God's mandate was that Joshua would lead the Israelites to the Promise Land and he depended on him to achieve that mandate. Commenting on the fee given to Joshua to be strong and courageous in Josh. 1:6, Campbell also said it was an affirmation that God would not let Joshua down.17 however this may also be seen as an indication that prior to the time he became Israel's leader he had potentials, which he needed to build up in leadership.

Details of how Joshua closed his mission have been recorded in the book of Joshua. The conquest of Canaan was however not an easy one but Joshua's training as a military leader and his dependence upon God gave him added advantage. He made mistakes but he learned from his mistakes.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

According to John C. Maxwell, Samuel was extra from the time he was born because he was an write back to prayer. He further commented that, as young child, Samuel was settled in the care of Eli the High priest and Judge of Israel.18 This revealed that the mentoring association between Eli and Samuel started quite early in Samuel's life. Like Joshua, Samuel stayed in the same place with his mentor. In addition, at a very early age, God began to speak directly to him and that motivated him to reverence and serve God faithfully. The role played by Hannah in initiating this mentoring association should not be overlooked. McChesney and Unger said that it was a vow that Hannah made to dedicate Samuel to the Lord as a Nazarite.19

b) His Leadership Role and Achievements

To great understand and appreciate Samuel's achievements, one should first recognize the religious, political and communal situations prior to his assumption to leadership. Eugene H, Merrill rightly observed that "the 300 or so years of the history of Israel under the Judges were marked by political, moral, and spiritual anarchy and deterioration". It was in this background, where all seemed to have failed that Samuel was groomed and also took up leadership.20

With reference to his achievements, "Samuel's level of influence with the citizen prolonged to growth throughout his lifetime. As a prophet, he was respected because he spoke from God. But in time Samuel also became Israel's Judge, a position similar to that of a king. He was the nation's civil and military leader. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life".21 Indeed, only leaders with sure qualities can achieve what Samuel achieved. It was that kind of excellent leadership that God was looking for in order to address the deteriorating situation in Israel. Israel enjoyed a time of peace while Samuel's reign.

C. Leaders Who Assume Leadership As A follow Of A Crisis

During the period between the death of Joshua and the start of Samuel's leadership, many citizen ruled Israel as Judges. All of them came to leadership as a follow of a emergency need. Gideon and Samson were two of the Judges who ruled Israel at that time. They will be examined in this section, as representatives of the Judges, to decree whether they were ready for their leadership roles.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

In Judges lesson 6-8 the Bible gave a brief historic list of Gideon's house background. He was the son of Joash the Abiezrite. He was also of the tribe of Manasseh. One may want to advise that Gideon had no potential or inherent for leadership before he became a leader. This assumption is proved wrong in the light of the angel's greetings to Gideon - "mighty man of valor" (Judg. 6:12). As Joyce Peel rightly said, "the angel calls out his inexpressive qualities which we see developing in the rest of the story".22

It can be seen that Gideon already had faith in God from a examine he asked the angel - where are all the wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, "Did not the lord bring us up out of Egypt?" His parents have made him realize that in the past they have depended on God for survival. However, Gideon wanted an guarnatee that it was the God of his fathers talking to him, so he asked God to give him a sign (:17). Joyce Peel's annotation on Gideon's invite is that "it isn't for the sort of sign an unbeliever asks to evade a challenge but for a sign to confirm to a believer who is ready to obey".23 Gideon was convinced that God was speaking to him and based on that fact he responded to the call to meet the Midianite crisis.

b) His Leadership Role and Achievements

Gideon was called to achieve a exact role and that was to deliver Israel from the Midianites. He had a clear vision in mind as to what he had to do. He also believed that he could achieve his goal because he had the guarnatee of God. In increasing he had inner qualities, which gave him enough courage to move into action, even though he started at night. Gideon delivered the Israelites from the Midianites' oppression but he first brought them back to faith in God. However, immediately after his death the citizen turned back to their foreign gods.


a) His life history before his call to leadership

In Judges lesson 13-16 the Bible gave an list of Samson's life. Samson was the son of Manoah of Zorah and of the tribe of Dan. His birth was foretold to his parents by an angel. They were also told that he would be a Nazarite to God from the womb Iudg. 13:2-5,24). The Bible also says in Judg 3:24-25 that God blessed him and that the spirit of God began to stir him up while he was in Mahaneh Dan. From this list it can be observed that Samson was a man of unusual strength. In Hebrews 11:32 he was recognized as of the great men of faith. while Samson's time the philistines were suppressing the Israelites.

b) His leadership role and achievements

Samson's call and commission was mediated through his parents. agreeing to Judges 13:5 he was to start the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the philistines. As John Mazwell rightly points out, "despite his good start, Samson got himself into trouble many times, and in the end he closed poorly: he was weak, blind and enslaved by the enemy from whom he was supposed to deliver his people."24 Samson had the opportunity of becoming a great leader but his despicable character destroyed his leadership.


Three categories of leaders have been examined in this lesson to prove that the citizen that God called to leadership in the Bible were always ready for their tasks. The first class of leaders were those whose call came as a surprise to them. The second were those who were mentored by their predecessor and the third, were those who responded to a crisis. It was proved that all of these leaders had some form of preparing principal for their singular calling. These preparations may come from God, their parents, religious background, formal schooling or a mentor. Therefore one could terminate that God does not call any man to leadership who had not been prepared. God's call or one preparing does not guarantee success because the preparing for efficient leadership does not end with one's call.

End Notes

1 Eims Leroy, Be The Leader You Were Meant To Be Illinois: Victor Books, 1982), pp 8-13

2 Gottfied Osei-Mensah, Wanted: slave Leadership (Achimota: African Christian Press, 1990), pp 24-32

3 Howard F. Vos. Moses: The New Unger's Bible Dictionary (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982), p 886.

4 John C. Maxwell, The 21 Most superior Minutes In a Leader's Day: Revitalizing Your Spirit and Empowering your Leadership (Nashville: Thomas \nelson Publishers, 2000), p. 300.

5 John D. Hannah, Exodus: The Bible Knowledge annotation (Colorado: Chariot Victor Publishers, 1985), p 112.

6 Ibid, P 121.

7 Ted W. Engstrom, The production of A Christian Leader: How to develop management and human relations skills (Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1976), P 29.

8 D.A. Hubbard, Pentateuch: The New Bible Dictionary (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982), p 903.

9 Oswald J. Sanders, Paul the Leader: A vision for Christian Leadership Today (Eastboume: Kingsway Publication Ltd., 1982), pp 16/17.

10 Ibid, p 17

11 Ibid, p 19

12 Oswald J. Sanders, Spiritual Leadership (Chicago: Moody Press, 1980), p 40.

13 Ted E. Engstrom, The production of Christian Leader: How To develop management and Human Relations Skills (Zondervan Publishing House, 1976), p 20.

14 David W. Bennett, Leadership Images From The New Testament: A Practical Guide (Carlisle: Om Publishers, 1998), pp 33/4

15 Ted W. Engstrom, The production of a Christian Leader: How to develop management and human relations skill (Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1976), p 30

16 Donald K. Campbell, Joshua: The Bible Knowledge annotation (Colorado: Chariot Victor Publishing, 1984), p 326.

17 Ibid, P 328.

18 John C. Maxwell, The 21 Most superior Minutes In A Leader's Day: Revitalize Your Spirit and empower Your Leadership (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982), p 67.

19 E. McChesney and Merrill F. Unger, Samuel: The New Unger's Bible Dictionary (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982), P 1121.

20 Eugene H. Merrill, Samuel: The Bible Knowledge annotation (Colorado: Chariot Victor Publishing, 1985), P 431.

21 John C. Maxwell, The 21 Most superior dinky in a Leader's Day: Revitalize Your spirit and Empower Your Leadership (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2000), p

22 Joyce Peel, A Journey through The Old Testament: The story of God's association with man. Woman and the world (Oxford: The Reading Fellowship, 1993), p 60

23 Ibid, p 60

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