Careers In Herpetology And Herpetoculture

Two Year College Careers - Careers In Herpetology And Herpetoculture.
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Two Year College Careers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

So you think you want to design a career where you get to work with reptiles and amphibians. If that is the case, this article is for you. Why did I write an article about getting what seems to be an easy-to-obtain job? First, there are a lot of people who touch zoos, museums, and websites request just that question. While there are some pamphlets available that briefly address the query (Asih, no date; Ssar, 1985), there are few other published resources available (Barthel (2004); Sprackland and McKeown, 1995, 1997; Sprackland, 2000). There are some guides to entering the schoraly world of biology (i.e., Janovy, 1985), but these ordinarily focus on career paths in the university world, while the field of biology is far broader than herpetology or even organismal zoology. This article, then, gives professional colleagues a resource that may help them riposte specific questions from their clients.

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Second, many people do not reconsider a career in herpetology or zoology until they reach the stage where it has come to be certain that their collections have outgrown their personal resources. They either wish to strengthen their touch with large reptiles in a zoological park setting or possibly wish to engage in meaningful field or laboratory studies. Among the ranks of this group are many seasoned and competent herpetoculturists, and they form a critical group seeking facts about how to "turn pro."

Career Options I: The hidden Sector

There are probably more paying opportunities in the hidden sector than can be found among the zoological parks and schoraly markets combined, though it may also be safe to say relatively few hidden sector jobs will pay a living wage. Among the jobs that can be classified as "private sector" are those that receive funding as commercial, for-profit ventures. Typical jobs would include animal dealers, pet shop workers, breeders, lecturers, and writers. For most of these positions, success will be based largely on touch and knowledge-from anything source you obtained it-and less so on formal schoraly training. Some noted herpetologists came from the ranks of the privately employed sector, together with Lawrence Klauber, Constantine Ionides, E. Ross Allen, Steve Irwin, and Hans-Georg Horn, as well as many of the most knowledgeable contemporary reptile breeders.

Working in the hidden sector ordinarily has two paths available to you. First, you may work for someone who owns a reptile-related business. Pay is variable in such situations, and may be based more on the financial health of the business than on any touch you may bring. possibly the more financially rewarding route is to operate a business of your own. Many industrial breeders start by specializing in a singular species (such as leopard geckos) or a genus (such as rat/corn snakes). From there you may field out to handle other species, or you may remain a devotee dealer and supply your personal passion for exotic reptiles with a hidden collection.

There are also herpetological supply businesses, school lecturers, and reptile food suppliers, among other possibilities. The key to production any of these ventures work is to tackle them as serious business activities. Take some business classes, or buy some good books about writing a business plan (essential for getting loans) and operating a small business. Take benefit of free advisory services of friends in business or the U.S. Government's Score schedule (Service Corps Of Retired Executives), where experienced business people will spin business plans and loan requests, discuss accounting and list control, and be available to help in a myriad of ways that will make you life easier and business more likely to succeed.

Career Options Ii: Zoological Parks

It was once true that if you were willing to clean cages and apprentice under an "old timer," you could get a position at even the most prestigious of zoos. By the last third of the 20th century, though, a range of factors at zoological parks had changed drastically. Operating costs, together with salaries and benefits, utilities, insurance, cost of animals, and greater competition for visitor's dollars all made it critical to streamline the operations and assure better-trained staff from their date of hire. people wishing to work in the animal care departments were routinely staggering to have completed a two-year associate's degree in biology, animal husbandry, or zookeeper training. Now it is much more likely that a zoo will want new hires to possess a bachelor's degree and have a few years' touch as either a zoo volunteer or part-time worker. Tantalizing into administration may need you to have a master's degree as well.

Why all this focus on schoraly qualifications? There are any reasons, and we'll observe each in detail. First, of course, is that many employers see completion of a college degree as an indicator of your quality to take on a long term project, with all its ups and downs, and finish. An associate's degree schedule at one of the few society colleges that offers such a course of study will consist of far more hands-on (or "practical") time working in a small zoo that a pupil would get in a traditional university setting. The two-year course is vigorous, and possible zookeepers will be trained over the lines of the zoo world, being exposed to bird and large vertebrate care, administration and administrative duties linked with a broad spectrum of possible career positions. The more traditional and favorite four-year university degree route may entail wee practical zoo holding experience, but provides a very broad range of classes that include English (good transportation skills are staggering of new hires), math, history, Western Civilization, philosophy, chemistry, physics, biology, and a range of optional, or elective, courses. There is rather wee focus on zoology during the four year program, so a candidate who can "tough it out" is seen as being a well-rounded private with a solid background in sciences and who can perfect a long-term scheme that appears to have wee direct bearing on the final goal.

The second presuppose for wanting a strong college background in new zookeeper hires is because animals are becoming more costly to acquire, maintain, and replace. Zoo managers rightly expect contemporary keepers to know considerably more about the anatomy, physiology, behavior, and diseases of the animals for which they will have responsibility. The keeper is the first line of performance for holding animals healthy and recognizing when something may be wrong, and the better trained the keeper, the better he or she should be at handling that responsibility. College teaches students how to do research, and the working zookeeper may have to use library, on-line, or professional touch sources to get facts critical to the well being of animals.

Breeding was once the rare and much-heralded accomplishment of few zoos, and then only for large, usually mammalian charges. The pre-1965 efforts were often on so-called "postage-stamp collections" of animals, where zoos would try to secure one specimen each of as many species as possible. With the mid-1960s enforcement of the U.S. Lacey Act, establishment of the Endangered Species Act and the starting of Cites, zoos were wee in their abilities to secure new animals. It quickly became fashionable, responsible, and fiscally critical to learn to breed more species and use progeny to populate zoo collections. during the pioneering days of captive husbandry, zookeepers with a greater knowledge of physiology, reproductive biology, and the natural history of the animals in their care had a decided benefit over other keepers. Such staff members became crucial to the prolonged success of many zoo missions, helping drive the recruitment of new employees with a more solid and diverse background in the science of biology.

Third, many zoos have come under increased scrutiny both by the normal public, wanting to be sure that the zoo's mission is literally being accomplished, and by groups who advocate against the holding of any animals in captivity at all. Today's zookeeper needs to know how to educate the collective to the needs of animals and the important roles played by well-run zoological parks. An critical part of being such a zookeeper is to have a broad view of the mission coupled with exceptional speaking and/or writing skills. Every keeper is also an ambassador for their zoo and the value of all zoos to the visiting public. Employers often equate your quality to handle these tasks with the training you received in university.

Career Options Iii: Academia

The schoraly world has much to offer, but also makes critical demands. Careers under this heading include primarily university positions-almost all of which have teaching responsibilities as well as research-and the small estimate of museum curators. For an entry into any of these fields a candidate must literally hold a physician of religious doctrine (Ph.D.) degree, and most jobs now also need you to have held a postdoctoral position as well. There has been a fair estimate of seminar since the middle 1990s to originate a new post-Ph.D. Degree, the chancellorate, but most critiques argue that by the time a pupil would attain that degree, they would be facing retirement age!

An schoraly herpetologist may have the most free time to observe the topics of personal interest, especially in a museum setting, but even there the job will need expertise and skills that extend beyond learning reptiles. University and museum professionals enter the profession as assistant professors or assistant curators. They will be charged with setting up a explore schedule that is funded by grants-which they must raise with wee institutional help. Earning a grant means having a solid explore proposal, exquisite writing and budgeting skills, and the resources that will certify the promised results if you are funded. Your owner will also expect a certain quantity of peer-reviewed publications (those that appear in the scientific or technical journals) from you. If, after three to seven years, depending on the employer, you meet these goals, you will probably be offered a promotion to associate professor or associate curator and tenure. Tenure means that, barring an very serious breach of responsibility, you have a job for life.

But it is not as easy as the previous paragraph describes to get tenure. You will also need to serve on committees, supply input on institutional projects, and design some sort of interaction with the broader community. Each of these tasks is designed to give you the occasion to be seen as an authority in your field and prepare you for increased responsibilities in the future. Your success or failure will also weigh in on either or not you earn tenure. On top of all this, university faculty are also staggering to teach, which means that you will essentially be charged with two very certain jobs.

College Preparation

College education is not for everyone, and with the increased competition for available entry slots in each year's classes coupled with ever addition tuition and linked expenses, it should be a well-planned and thought about thought about step (Sprackland, 1990). For those of you still in high school-or for parents whose children want to prepare for a career in herpetology-I shall offer some basic advice on how to prepare for college. The sooner you can start your efforts, the better, because you will need three solid years of the right kinds of high school courses in order to be seriously thought about for admission to a good university. Opt for the college-prep route, and take three or more years of math (algebra, geometry, algebra Ii, and calculus), three of laboratory-based science (biology, chemistry, and physics), and work to excel in English, particularly composition. By the junior year of high school you should be researching colleges. Find out which schools offer degrees and courses of interest; not all schools offer zoology paths, and of those that do, not all offer courses in herpetology. Start reading one of the major scientific journals (Copeia, Herpetologica, and Journal of Herpetology) and study where the authors are who have interests that coincide with yours. Each scientific paper includes the author's address and, practically universally, e-mail address.
When you find authors you wish to contact, do so. Write a brief gentle letter introducing yourself and expressing interest in learning herpetology. Ask for facts about the author's university, its courses, degree offerings, and admission requirements. Plan early, because entry requirements vary somewhat among universities.

If you select to go the society or junior college route, there are some differences in your course from what you would do to get into a four-year school. You do not need the same rigorous high school course load to enter a society college, and entry requirements vary from none to minor. There is wee difference to the pupil between the first two years of college either at society or four-year colleges, and in many cases the previous is a better educational deal. Why? Because unlike four-year colleges, society colleges do not employ graduate students to teach. Faculty practically universally have at least a master's degree plus any years' touch as instructors, providing a critical possible edge over the graduate pupil teacher.

Once enrolled at society college, you must meet two objectives if you wish to ultimately earn a solid bachelor's or higher degree. First, be sure to register in courses that will change prestige to the four-year school you plan to attend. If this is not possible-some universities do not recognize some society college courses as adequate-then have an alternative university to aim for or go directly to the four-year school of your choice. Second, take every course as seriously as you can. Work to earn an A average, especially in science, math, and English composition courses. Don't waste your time at society college, assuming it is the easy alternative to a four-year school; this is rarely the case. Many society college instructors are leaders in their respective fields. The late Albert Schwartz was a herpetologist who probably did more than any other zoologist to study and document the herpetofauna of the Caribbean islands, and he is still very very regarded by his peer community. Yet for his whole career, Schwartz taught only at a society college. any qualified herpetologists are doing just that even today.

When enrolling at university should you sign up for the bachelor of arts or bachelor of science program? There is a small difference, though few students (or graduates) know what it is. In the bachelor of science (Bs) track, you have practically all of your courses thought about by a university-set plan. You are required to take specific classes and have very few elective options. The bachelor of arts (Ba) is more liberal; it still has a critical estimate of required courses, but you have far more latitude in elective class choices. Because my interests were so broad in my undergraduate days, wanting to study paleontology, Latin, and religious doctrine as well as zoology, I opted for the Ba program. Had I taken a Bs route, I could not have taken such a range of classes and still graduated in four years.

Graduate School and Post Graduate Options

Graduate school is certainly not for everyone, though it is literally critical if you wish to secure an schoraly career or a position as a senior zoo employee. Collections managers and zoo keepers typically opt for a master's degree, which provides developed coursework and a occasion to engage in some scheme or performance that has a direct bearing on the requirements of an developed career path. A doctoral degree is a explore degree, meaning the recipient has been trained to escort traditional studies. This is the degree needed for professorial and curatorial positions. The vast majority of people who plan to earn a doctorate do not need to earn a master's degree en route.

Master's programs take from 18 months to three years of full-time effort, and include a large estimate of courses, some explore or work as explore assistant in a lab, and often need a written thesis based on library or explore work. Some master's programs will need you to either work as a explore assistant or as a teaching assistant, supervising laboratory sessions. Doctoral programs in the United States start off similar to the master's route, and with classes, lab or teaching duties. Upon completing a set of qualifying examinations, the pupil becomes a candidate for the degree and begins working on an traditional explore project, which will ultimately be written up as a thesis. If the thesis passes faculty scrutiny, the Ph.D. Is awarded. U.S. Doctoral programs typically span five to seven years of full-time effort, after which the herpetologically oriented graduate faces a daunting job market. If you want a Ph.D., go ahead and earn it, but do not assume it is a certify of an schoraly job. during the particularly tight job market of the 1980s and 1990s, my contemporaries joked that Ph.D. Stood for "Pizza Hut Delivery." (This seemed somewhat acceptable given that we survived graduate school by ordering ample numbers of Pizza Hut pizzas to our labs; now "the hut" could pay our salaries!)

If you decree to enter graduate school, begin your job hunt no later than a year before you plan to get a master's degree, or two-and-a-half years before a Ph.D. Once again, read the journals, attend conferences, and find out where people are with whom you would be compatible as a new colleague. Whose explore could complement yours and help you on the road to tenure? Make those contacts early and make sure you have people who will vouch for you when those costly jobs come to be available.

Career Options Iv: Miscellaneous

Perhaps none of the previous categories applies to your interests. That still leaves a critical estimate of possible careers that will allow at least some work with reptiles. Most need a bachelor's degree, though a job announcement will often claim "master's degree preferred." Among the choices are-

Government biologist-Positions with federal and state wildlife agencies sometimes allow study of herpetofauna. Among the certain agencies are fish and wildlife, game, and environmental services. However, biological work is also undertaken by the U.S. Geological Survey, forest services, and occasionally in forces explore (the U.S. Army and Navy long operated a critical snake venom explore facility).

Teacher-Both traditional and secondary school teachers have numerous opportunities to edify children with the natural world. In many states the trainer must hold a degree in a content area-say biology or zoology-while other states accept applicants whose degree is in education. Check thought about to decree the requirements for the state in which you wish to teach.

Community College Instructor-As tertiary schools have increased their dependency on lower-paid part-time instructors (who typically do not receive health or retirement benefits), the ranks of part timers has exploded. While the working conditions are very variable, part-timers can expect to have wee or no campus office space, no faculty standing, and perform the same teaching duties as full-time colleagues, but for 40% to 70% of the hourly pay rate. The rare full-time occasion in this market is considerably more attractive, and carries no research, grant-seeking, or "publish-or-perish" responsibilities. Generally, the candidate must have a master's degree in biology, teaching experience, and the quality to teach some composition of normal biology, microbiology, and anatomy and physiology.

Writers-Natural history writing has its ups and downs, but many a herpetologist has earned at least some money from industrial publication. select a niche, such as writing about herpetoculture or more broadly about a specific group of animals, to get started. Financial success will finally depend on reliability, exquisite writing skills, and the quality to strengthen to reach broader audiences. The more biological or scientific topics you can cover, the more your possible income. Although herpetology is my grand passion, I have also published on the topics of education, philosophy, sub-micron electronics, non-metal conductors, evolution, venom research, and history.

Photographer/illustrator-Just as a financially prosperous nature writer must reach a wide audience, so too must the photographer or illustrator. Few, if any, of these professionals make a living wage by only illustrating reptiles; there is more safety in animals and normal nature shots.

Veterinarian-A secure field if you do not plan to care only for reptiles. Like graduate school in general, there are serious schoraly hurdles to meet, and competition for openings (there are fewer vet schools than medical schools) is fierce.

Ackerman, Lowell (ed.). 1997. The biology, husbandry and health care of reptiles. 3 volumes. Tfh Publications, Neptune, Nj.

Asih, no date. career opportunities for the herpetologist. American society of Ichthyologists
and Herpetologists, Washington, D.C.

Asma, Stephen. 2001. Stuffed animals and pickled heads: the culture and evolution of natural history museums. Oxford University Press.

Barthel, Tom. 2004. Cold-blooded careers. Reptiles 12(12): 64-75.

Burcaw, G. Ellis. 1975. Introduction to museum work. American relationship for State and Local History, Nashville.

Cato, P. And C. Jones (eds.). 1991. Natural history museums, directions for growth. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.

Janovy, John. 1985. On becoming a biologist. Harper & Row, Ny.

Myers, George. 1970. How to come to be an ichthyologist. Tfh Publications, Neptune, Nj.

Pietsch, T. And W. Anderson (eds.). 1997. range building in ichthyology and herpetology.
American society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists extra Publication 3, Lawrence, Ks.

Rajan, T. 2001. Would Darwin get a grant today? Natural History 110(5): 86.

Sprackland, Robert. 2001a. To the parents of a young herpetologist. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological society 36(2): 29-30.

Sprackland, Robert. 1992. Giant Lizards. Tfh Publications, Neptune, Nj.

Sprackland, Robert. 1990. College herpetology: is it for you? Northern California Herpetological society Newsletter 9(1): 14-15.

Sprackland, Robert. And Hans-Georg Horn. 1992. The importance of the contributions of amateurs to herpetology. The Vivarium 4(1): 36-38.

Sprackland, Robert. And Sean McKeown. 1997. Herpetology and herpetoculture as a career. Reptiles 5(4): 32-47.

Sprackland, Robert. And Sean McKeown. 1995. The path to a career in herpetology. The Vivarium 6(1):22-34.

Ssar. 1985. Herpetology as a career. society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Cleveland.

Winsor, Mary. 1991. Reading the shape of nature: comparative zoology at the Agassiz Museum. University of Chicago Press.

Zug, G., L. Vitt, and J. Caldwell. 2001. Herpetology: an initial biology of amphibians and reptiles. Second edition. schoraly Press, San Francisco.

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