Clinical Preparedness: Stethoscope, Watch and iPad?

Joliet Junior College Phone Number - Clinical Preparedness: Stethoscope, Watch and iPad?.
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Joliet Junior College Phone Number! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The latest technology from Apple is the iPad. The iPad has been described as the new handheld computing device. It is larger than a smart phone but smaller than a laptop. It allows the user to use existing applications (apps), a movie and music player, a photo display device, and an e-book reader, as well as instant way to the web. The graphics are well designed and the touch screen is easy to use. So, can the iPad be more than a new gadget? Is there educational value in the iPad?

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How is Clinical Preparedness: Stethoscope, Watch and iPad?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Joliet Junior College Phone Number.

Will the iPad revolutionize how the clinical setting? Probably not, but it will absolutely augment knowledge and resources for nurses. So, how does the nursing couple iPad into clinical? How does this technology enhance nursing education?

Listed below are what I believe are the applications of iPad that will be of most use to nurses and nursing students.

1. Healthcare applications. There are currently many healthcare applications available. They range from acute to continuing illness, infectious diseases, A & P, healing calculations to name a few. Some of free and some are costly. An example would be a free A & P application. Besides describing the A & P, it includes case studies, questions and connected links. This could be used while down clinical time, when the educator is busy with one student; someone else pupil can be reviewing the application and gift a brief synopsis in post conference.

2. Videos for skills. Videos can be accessed and reviewed prior to performing the clinical skill. A great way to present a skill prior to performing on a live patient.

3. Reference materials. Many times instructors post information on the college's procedure supervision site. These are well researched reference materials available to enhance pupil learning. The students can now way the information in clinical

4. Books. Nurses/nursing students would be able to way textbooks and other reference books. Many of the students textbooks on available online. Also, many have online enhancements. I have used the evolve opinion mapping (Iggy text) in clinical. The iPad would allow the students to crusade straight through their textbooks for information.

5. Web inquires. The iPad allows instant way to the web and evidence based materials. Students would no longer have to wait until they got home to look up information. Decisions on outpatient care could be made quicker based on research.

6. Interactive web sites. while down time, nurses/nursing students can crusade and use interactive web sites for continuing education. Time could be spent practicing heart/lung sounds, appraisal skills, blood gas interpretation, etc.

For faculty, the concern is security. How does one keep the iPad safe when in a patient's room? The most inescapable way would be a have way to a locked area where the iPad would be safely stored. Also, for ease of access, purchasing a pouch for the iPad. The iPad can then be carried on your man at all times. When in a outpatient room, slide the pouch to your backside, underneath your lab coat. It keeps the iPad safe and out of the way.

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